Unila (11/5) – Journal of Agricultural Product Technology and Industry (JTIHP), Department of Agricultural Product Technology (THP), Faculty of Agriculture (FP), University of Lampung (Unila) held training for journal editors on May 11 2018. The event entitled "Workshop on Management of Journals Towards Accreditation" was held in the Rector's Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Unila.
The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Unila, Irwan Sukri Banuwa. "I am optimistic that more and more scientific journals in Lampung will be accredited. Thus the knowledge shared will be of higher quality," said Irwan.
According to the Chief Editor of JTIHP, Neti Yuliana, "This event is expected to motivate representatives of journals to carry out a more in-depth self-evaluation so that they can be immediately accredited nationally." In the event, two speakers were presented, namely Prof. Istadi who is an assessor for journal accreditation from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristek Dikti) and Ardian Ulvan who is the editor of INSIST.
Istadi explained that Indonesia only has 27 internationally accredited journals. While Lampung only has 2 nationally accredited journals. Istadi gave many tricks and evaluations to the participants so that their journals could get high marks when assessed by the assessor. Meanwhile, Ardian Ulvan trained participants to use software Mendeley which makes it easier for journal editors to do reference management as well ithenticate to check the originality of a scientific article.
The enthusiasm of journal editors from various universities for this event was quite high. Evidenced by the large number of participants from outside Unila such as from Polinela, STKIP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, Malahayati University, Saburai University, BPTP Lampung, BPPT Lampung, and UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. “The THP Department will always support activities like this. What's more, the THP department is in the process of international certification," said Susilawati, Head of the THP Department. [dq/thp]